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Monday, 2 April 2012

Chapet # 17 ( 104-106 Button Keyboard)

104-106 Button Keyboard:
If typing is your habit then, you might not like to use mouse at that time. Keeping in view of this problem with professional typists, Microsoft Windows has introduced a 106 button Keyboard fro you which contains three extra for using mouse instead of using mouse itself. 

Microsoft Windows this keyboard is known as a "Standard Keyboard". Windows keys are used for operating computer and world for mouse as well. Following are some types of these buttons and keys.

Win + R = Display Run Dialogue Box
Wind + M = Minimize All
Shift + Win + M = Undo Minimize All
Wind + F1 = Starts Help
Win + E = Stats Windows Explorer/ Stars My Computer Icon
Win + F = Find File or Folders
Ctrl + Win + F = Find the Computer
Win + Tab = Cycle through taskbar buttons
Win + Break =  Display the system properties dialogue box

Manufacturers of Window Keyboards has included Trilogram button feature in their design for 104-106 Keyboards.

Actually, Trilogram is a button which can operate instead of 3 buttons at a time. For example, if we press Ctrl+alt+Delete then the function which works can be done by pressing a single button and that is known as Trilogram button. Designing a Trilogram buttons is a expensive task and the Keyboards containing that function price might be high as compared to others but, according to scientist and information technology experts the price of Keyboard should be low and affordable for common people.

Today, many companies which are manufacturers of Keyboards are placing these Windows type extra buttons. Apple light and NMB and Lese Marc companies has introduced a "New Space Bar" which has two sides. If you ever find 105 buttons keyboard then you can see its space bar is called as "Eros Bar". Its left side part is used for extra space and right side part is used for common space. Although these buttons are not being used anymore but if these buttons would be manufactured by all of companies then it';; surely help the typist and non-typist persons.

Keyboard starts functioning as and when computer starts. Keyboard contains the buttons same as on the typewriter but keyboard's buttons are more soft. We should purchase keyboards according to our choice which could be typed very well and easily.

When you start computer, password requires on the screen, without entering passwords operating computer is a difficult task. Passwords had choosed by you like abc, xyz or any other word which you have chosed. After entering password on screen, computer open its door of wonderful world for you. Pressing a button on keyboard establishes a change in current to show requires result. This process takes place in just milliseconds of time.

Keyboard's buttons worked in different functions and same buttons are used for composing. a,b,c had printed on buttons of keyboards. When you press Caps Lock button then keyboard letters will function in bigger alphabetical letters like A,B,C and same process can be repeated for again little letters.

When you wan to type Urdu language on keyboard then, keyboard changes the setting of its buttons to Urdu automatically. Alphabetic letters like H for "Alif- (a Urdu word)" and A for (seeem-urdu word)". After a little practicem you can be expert in typing urdu and can compose very easily.

Keyboards also contains the buttons of F1 to F12 which possess different functions. For terminating pages up and down there are two buttons "Page Up" & "Page Down" on the keyboard. There are also some other buttons which functions differently from each other like Delete, End, Print Scr. Scoll Lock, Shift, Pause, Insert, Enter, Tab, Alt, Ctrl etc.

When you wan to delete a sentence or a word, just select and press the button Delete then it will be deleted. If you need again your deleted sentence, word, folder or file, you need to press Ctrl + Z for undo text otherwise find it in Recycle Bin on the desktop.

Your composing or work might be lost due to electricity off so, in order to save your work just press Ctrl + S buttons altogether. Your work will be saved even when electricity went out.

Keyboard contains four buttons which are symboled with "arrows". These are used for on screen for functions of directing towards left, right, up and down. Keyboard also contain a big button named "ENTER". This is used for knowing required result, while composing it is used for down warding paragraph  and getting result of your command. There is a button above enter symboled as <-- arrow. This is used for deleting wrong typed word or sentence.

There is a biggest button on the keyboard known as "Space button" which is used for spacing between your composing.

Keyboards all functions are directly related with the Hard Disk placed in C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) and after pressing any key on Keyboard, Hard Disk shows its reaction on the screen.

All Keyboards contains buttons like 83,84,101-102, 104, 105-106. The keyboard with 105-106 buttons is more better than others. A better keyboard should be used and after every week keyboard should be cleaned.

Chapter # 16 (Keyboard 101/102 Buttons)

IBM 101-102 Buttons Keyboard
This Keyboard was introduced by IBM in 1986 on the place of XT or AT Keyboards. There are 101/102 buttons on this Keyboard. It become famous quickly and was very good as compared to 84 Keyboard. Its "ENTER" button was very much clear and good in size but this Keyboard's overall size was smaller as compared to others and many changes were placed by IBM in this keyboard in order to make ita a state of the art keyboard for future generations.

Today, different designs of this Keyboard are available in the market with a slightly different sequence of buttons and designs. Some designs are connected with "Five Pen Connector Keyboard"  and some with "Six Pen Connector Keyboard" with Systems.

101/102 Keyboards possess 4 big sections which are;
  1. Typing Area
  2. Numeric Keypad
  3. Cursor Keypad Controls
  4. Functions
Alt & Ctrl buttons are placed in right and left size further, and extra Enter button has added in it on Numeric Pad section. F1 to F12 buttons were also included in it and functions keys were divided in 4 different lines/wires.

"Esc" button is placed on left side like a group shape. This design of Keyboard ios most popular in the world. This keyboard can is used too much as compared to others. I am writing this article also with this type of Keyboard and hope you are also operating computer with any one of them.

This Keyboard can be exchanged from one system to an other system  very easily. Therefore, it may not possible to change this type of design, shape and sequence in the future for keyboards.

Chapter # 15 ( Keyoard Part-2 )

AT Keyboard 84 Keys
84 keys Keyboard was introduced in 1984 by IBM. There were 84 buttons in this keyboard and many problems of previous computers and keyboards were solved with it. In this Keyboard, the button of "ENTER" was replaced with a large space.

Position and sizes of "Shift" buttons were also changes. IBM introduced LEP wires for Scroll Lock and Caps Lock buttons in it. IBM's 84 Keyboard's distinctive competency was that, its processor was placed in Keyboard itself. These two processors could easily communicate & exchange data with each other. Mother Board's processor 8042 Keyboard can also called as "Controller Chip" This chip can send data and guild lines to Keyboard through which functions of Keyboard can be changed. This controller also possess qualities of Scan Contraction which can transfer different foreign languages to its Keyboard.

Actually scan transactions are some electronic lights which travels from mother board to keyboard. For correction of these electro lights functions, LED symbols were included in that Keyboard. Although 84 buttons Keyboard was a good keyboard of that time but, was still facing some criticism on the size and sequence of buttons.

Chapter # 14 ( Keyoard Part-1 )

Keyboard is an input device. Today with the advancement in information technology mouse is used to start a computer and Joystick & Peddles are also being used with mouse. keyboard plays a central role in all of above because, it is a basic input device. With the help of keyboard, we can feed command and data to computer system and computer will show the result.

Now a days, different types of keyboards are available in the market. A leading company IBM introduced different types of computers and keyboards which  were very popular due to their micro efficiencies. In 1995, an other well known company Microsoft Intel Corporation introduced Microsoft Windows system for computers. Intel company also introduced a Keyboard of 101 buttons with Windows 1995.

Commonly, there are 4 types of different Keyboards are available which are as follows;
  1. 83 PC XT Keyboard
  2. AT Keyboard 84 Keys
  3. Keyboard 101/102 Keys
  4. Keyboard 104 Keys
Now, lets discuss above types briefly here;

1. 83 PC XT Keyboard:
83 PC XT Keyboard was introduced as a complete computer. It contains same things as compared to other companies computers but, this keyboard was physically separate from computer itself.while, other companies keyboards were attacked with computers like Apple2 Keyboard etc. Although a separate Keyboard was a fantastic part but, it was highly criticized due to sequence of its buttons. There were very little buttons of "shift" and were placed at wrong side on the right.

83 PC XT keyboard was introduced just like a typewriter. It was connected to mother board with the help of processor. It was a "One Way Keyboard" because, mother boards was unable to return command or data. Hence, some wires were attached with it due because "Num Lock" & "Caps Lock" were attached with comp mother board. During passage of time, some more wires were also included in these keyboard.

Three functions of 83 Keyboard were connected with motherboards but it was still not a complete keyboard according to scientist in that times. These faults of 83 Keyboard were replaced and innovated with Repointing or Rearranging.