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Monday, 2 April 2012

Chapter # 16 (Keyboard 101/102 Buttons)

IBM 101-102 Buttons Keyboard
This Keyboard was introduced by IBM in 1986 on the place of XT or AT Keyboards. There are 101/102 buttons on this Keyboard. It become famous quickly and was very good as compared to 84 Keyboard. Its "ENTER" button was very much clear and good in size but this Keyboard's overall size was smaller as compared to others and many changes were placed by IBM in this keyboard in order to make ita a state of the art keyboard for future generations.

Today, different designs of this Keyboard are available in the market with a slightly different sequence of buttons and designs. Some designs are connected with "Five Pen Connector Keyboard"  and some with "Six Pen Connector Keyboard" with Systems.

101/102 Keyboards possess 4 big sections which are;
  1. Typing Area
  2. Numeric Keypad
  3. Cursor Keypad Controls
  4. Functions
Alt & Ctrl buttons are placed in right and left size further, and extra Enter button has added in it on Numeric Pad section. F1 to F12 buttons were also included in it and functions keys were divided in 4 different lines/wires.

"Esc" button is placed on left side like a group shape. This design of Keyboard ios most popular in the world. This keyboard can is used too much as compared to others. I am writing this article also with this type of Keyboard and hope you are also operating computer with any one of them.

This Keyboard can be exchanged from one system to an other system  very easily. Therefore, it may not possible to change this type of design, shape and sequence in the future for keyboards.

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